2018年7月16日 星期一

the clever crow

Emma - the clever crow who can use a vending machine!

How smart are crows? Very smart apparently!
A crow called Emma has got scientists excited about what she can do.
She is a New Caledonian crow; these crows make and use tools to do tasks.
They can solve complicated problems and capture grubs by poking them with a stick until they bite.
Now she's learnt how to use a vending machine, well kind of...

These crows might not look very crafty. But it turns out they're a lot more to these creatures than we think.
These New Caledonian crows make hooks from bits of plants.
It means they can stick it into places like tree holes to capture their prey more easily.
Scientists have carried out an experiment with the crows and found that when they use their hooked tools, they're 10 times faster at getting their snack than using just a simple twig.
Animals MAKING tools is a pretty big deal and scientists are pretty excited! 

Scientists think that crows are as good at solving problems as a seven year old kids!
New research into New Caledonian crows has found they can work out complicated logic puzzles - to get their beaks on tasty treats.
Crows are the only animals apart from primates like apes and humans that are known to use tools.
And they don't stop there - they use a scientific principle called displacement - as Ayshah explains.



